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Oct 29, 201911 min read
What horses can teach us
Horses don’t tell stories about you, they simply respond in the moment to what they're feeling. This makes them remarkably "clean" teachers.
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Jul 15, 20196 min read
Horses are not metaphors
If the horse remains a metaphor, then the horses get used, and the true power of equine-led growth and healing work is missed.
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Apr 18, 20194 min read
Standing on Sacred Ground: Needs, Requests, and True Belonging
Do you know what you truly need? If you'd asked me that question twelve years ago, when my healing journey was just beginning, I wouldn't...
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Feb 16, 20194 min read
Good for the soul: trauma and equine-facilitated spiritual growth
It's often said that being around horses is good for the soul. And it's undoubtedly true that spending time in their company can be...
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Jan 27, 20194 min read
You do not have to be good: coming home to your body
The poet Mary Oliver died just over a week ago. The first poem of hers I ever read was “In Blackwater Woods”, which is about as perfect...
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Sep 17, 20184 min read
Horses, healing and power
What replaces fear? A capacity to trust the abundance of life. All wisdom traditions posit the profound truth that there are two...
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Jun 25, 20183 min read
Healing through relationship
Self-help books are like car repair manuals: you can read them all day, but doing so doesn't fix a thing. (Lewis, Amini and Lannon, A...
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Mar 8, 20184 min read
Letting go of Josh
Just over a month ago, we said goodbye to Josh, aka Joshi, aka Master Hoshi. I haven't wanted to write about it until now - not because...
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Dec 19, 20172 min read
Holiday wishes, holiday dreams
Could you or I comprehend, even for a moment, how fiercely my great-granddaughter and her friends loved being alive, and that this love...
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Jan 1, 20174 min read
Relaxed and forward: living creatively
The first day of a new year. I've been resisting writing this blog post because I know I need to write about creativity. We have an...
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Aug 25, 20164 min read
A hand-made life
Sometimes, you're just not ready for a book when it first comes into your life. Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola-Estes...
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